Zlick SDK Integration Guide

Zlick SDK offers marketplaces, newspapers and other commerce platforms a powerful and flexible mobile payment solution.

Getting Started

To get started, request your development account and development SDK by emailing to support@zlick.it. You will receive your client token and client secret which will be needed to integrate Zlick SDK on your website.

Integration Flow

Here is a basic overview of how you can use Zlick SDK to control paid access to content in your site:

Zlick Integration Flow

Add the SDK to your website

Add Zlick SDK to your website after your own scripts.

  <script type='text/javascript' src='path/to/your/javascript/files/index.js'></script>
  <!-- Dev SDK -->
  <script type='text/javascript' src='https://cdn.zlick.it/zlick-dev-2.2.3.min.js'></script>
  <!-- OR the live SDK -->
  <script type='text/javascript' src='https://cdn.zlick.it/zlick-2.2.3.min.js'></script>

Once you've included the SDK, the SDK exposes a global variable called zlick. You will be abke to use this object to call zlick methods.

Important Note About JWT tokens

Many of the methods below use JWT tokens as function inputs. Instructions to generate these JWT tokens can be found here.



Before you do any kind of operation with Zlick SDK, you have to call the identifyClient method. This method attempts to authenticate the current user and returns information about the user that you will need for calling other methods later.



See standard response


When user is not found
  phone: null,
  userId: null,
  contentId: null,
  hasAccessRights: false,
  allowedMethods: {
    smsAuth: true
  jwtToken: "xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxx"


Initializes one time purchase. Returns success, failure or need for SMS authentication



See standard response


Subsribes to monthly / weekly / daily subscription. When you sign up as a client with Zlick, you have to pre-define your subscription plans with unique names. While calling this method with a subscribe JWT token, you have to reference the unique product name. Zlick will use additional information about that subscription product from its own database.

For more information about subscriptions, see subscriptions flow.



See standard response


Starts SMS authentication by sending SMS with a pin code to user. Use this when userId is returned as null from identifyClient call.



See standard response


Completes SMS authentication flow and returns userId on success. Throws an error on failure. See Errors.



See standard response


Completes SMS authentication flow and returns userId on success. Throws an error on failure. See Errors.



See standard response


Completes SMS authentication flow and returns userId on success. Throws an error on failure. See Errors.



See standard response


This method sets zlick cookie in the browser. This is useful in some scenarios when moving from v1 SDK to v2 SDK while keeping existing users logged in.

If the v1 cookie is detected, the content provider can convert the v1 cookie to v2 on their server side, and after that they can set the cookie for v2 with this method.

So from the client perspective, the process is as follows: 1. In the browser app, you need to check if there exists a cookie named zlick with a value that contains userId 2. If the userId if found, you can generate the new userIdToken on your server side like so:

POST /my-api/getcookie with body userId
  "apiClientToken": "7390d36701b0c29d8f8d3016af707ce9",
  "userId": "708fe1fe-864a-4ef4-8dab-cbf930f7a545",
}, secret)
  1. Now it is possible to override the cookie with setCookie method and it should be done before calling the identifyClient method.



This function runs synchronously and returns undefined.

Standard Response

All Zlick methods return a Promise that resolves to the following object with some properties conditional on the method being called.

  userId: "123456abcdef", // zlick user id.
  phone: "1223774963",
  jwtToken: "xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxx",
  contentId: "123456abcdef", // purchased content or product name
  transactionId: "123456abcdef", // TransactionID, only present in case of transaction
  subscriptionId: "123456abcdef", //  subscriptionID, only present in case of subscription
  challengeId: "123456abcdef", //  challengeID, only present in case of sendPinCodeSMS
  hasAccessRights: "true", // Boolean. Shows if user has access to content
  allowedMethods: {
    refundPurchase: true
  } // object describing next allowed methods


Error status codes

When a zlick method fails it throws an error with additional property statusCode. statusCode follows the HTTP error code standard:

Zlick error codes

When purchase fails due to infufficent funds or other similar reasons Zlick will return error with StatusCode 422 with specific Zlick error code

SDK Demo

A demo solution is over here. You will not be charged for actions you perform there.